Happy New Year to our Students, Parents and Families!

The New Year is typically a time for resolution and setting goals, even though as martial artists we are taught to continually be resolute with the daily practice of goal setting.
We would like to encourage and support all of our students and friends by helping everyone realize their goals. The multitude of self-help books and articles found in magazines and the internet recommend being realistic in your goals:
Set small bench marks and be specific.
Think of alternatives to behavior, not just a list of what not to do.
Make sure the change is important to you and not others.
Focus on the three main areas in your life – physical, work/career/school, personal. Write down one goal in each area. Be as specific as possible. Make an action plan and develop a time line by listing three specific steps with a target completion date that will help you reach your objectives. Record a means of support: an accountability partner, person, group etc.
Remember set backs can be lessons for growth and the practice of framing your thoughts in a positive manner!