During the stay at home order we will continue to update this list as more resources become available or change! Current students should be sure to follow us on FACEBOOK and join our STUDENT RESOURCE GROUP for at home practice! Parent’s please message us if your child needs a paddle target.

Milwaukee Justice Center Online Legal Resources and Information https://www.milwaukeejusticecenter.org/onlineresources.html
Legal Check-Up Survey
State Law Library Link
WI Free Legal Answers (online legal advice)
A .pdf of Milwaukee area civil legal aid providers and their current services (updated weekly by the Office of Public Service at Marquette Law)
Unemployment insurance info (link to the DWD)
Health insurance info (link to HealthWatch Wisconsin)
WI Courts Online Forms assistant for Divorce and Small Claims
WI Courts E-filing Help
Restraining Order E-filing Info (link to Sojourner)
Requesting a copy of your civil court order remotely
MJC Family Forms “How to Complete” Videos (Fee waiver, Stipulations, Modification, and Financial Disclosure Statement)
Employment/Unemployment COVID-19 Wisconsin unemployment insurance guidance