One of our new instructors has been working with our students on completing their acts of self discipline. Students under 12 years old earn blue stripes on their belts for each list of 10 Good Things they accomplish. We read the lists in class to honor their achievement and remind others that we can do these things too. (The reminders work for adults too!)
25 Acts of Self Discipline by Instructor Clayton
Brushing your teeth
Cleaning your room
Washing your face
Doing your homework right after school
Setting the table for dinner
Picking up your toys after you play with them
Walking your dog
Feeding your pet
Hanging up your coat
Putting your shoes in the closet after taking them off
Doing your chores
Helping your parents unload groceries from the trunk
Picking up after your pet
Cleaning your dog’s kennel or fish tank
Cleaning out your desk at school
Studying before a test
Keeping an organized calendar
Folding your clothes
Washing your clothes
Returning library books before they are due
Go to bed on time
Waking yourself up for school
Turn your homework in on time
Turning off your phone and electronic devices before bedtime
Raising your hand to ask for something.