We’ve had many inquiries about how to help so our team put together this idea of suggestions. Some are unique to our martial arts school. Some are super ideas for helping nonprofits anywhere.
We welcome all volunteers! You don’t have to be a martial artist to want to make the world better. Invite your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to become part of our mission to help children reach their potential and make Milwaukee a stronger, safer and more inclusive community!
What to do?
Everyone is different! There are many ways to be a part of the solution. Together we can do great things! This is not an all-inclusive list. We welcome ideas, creativity and your unique talents. Some things take longer than others, so you may need to pick more than one. Some are more suitable for adults. Build a service plan that works for you. It’s not in any particular order, although lead instructors are always our biggest need.
Adult Lead Instructors at After School Programs Multiple Locations M-F sometime between 2:30-6:00 and Saturday Morning. Call for schedule.
Assistant Instructors at After School Programs
Adult Lead Instructors at Holton Youth & Family Center (HYFC) Call for schedule.
Assistant Instructors at HYFC
Homework Help at HYFC MTTh 5:15-6:00pm Sun 11:00am
Serve as a Board Member
Board Committee (adults) Friendraising/Fundraising
Board Committee (adults) Marketing
Board Committee (adults) Programs
Board Committee (adults) Finance
Be on our Gala Committee
Join the Annual Campaign Committee
Help with Gala Set Up and Take Down
Prepare Annual Campaign Mailers
Host an informational lunch
Have a pre-event cocktail party
Help with website
Write articles for our blog/newsletter
Create short promotional videos about student activities
Create short promotional videos about fundraising events
Be a J.K. Lee location ambassador Make announcements, pass out flyers
Be a corporate ambassador
Create a matching campaign for the gala
Create a matching campaign for end of year drive
Host a donor breakfast
Help with monthly lunch & learns at HYFC
Host a corporate lunch & learn
Help at Friday Family Nights
Contribute a dish for a Friday Family Night Dinner
Work with our Friday afternoon sparring class at HYFC
Watch Front Desk at HYFC
Help with Inventory at HYFC
Help with filing at HYFC
Hand write thank you notes
Help with cleaning at HYFC
Collect nonperishable kid snack food
Collect gently used (but still tournament approved) sparring gear
Help set up our Haunted House (October 26)
Work at our Haunted House
Help with 2019 Summer Camp Week
Help with Twitter
Help with Instagram
Help with Facebook
Share, like and comment on our Facebook Posts
Mentor/Partner an individual student
Help with Spring Carnival
Host a Korean Cooking Class
Organize Library at Holton
Organize donated sparring gear
Take home/launder/return school uniforms
Help our Grant Writer
Make thank you calls
Provide information at Open Houses
Help with special school programs
Promote our Amazon Smiles link
Officiate at Testings at HYFC
Sell J.K. Lee City Youth Merchandise
Help with Neighborhood Walk
Help at area clean ups
Help at National Night Out
Create Giving Tuesday flyer
Share Giving Tuesday Information
Design Handouts for Students
Share CYMAP student stories
Prep materials for new volunteers
Prep materials for annual all school instructor meeting
Help with Instructor Reflection Lunch
Staff an informational table at testing
Create and Distribute Yard Signs
Help between classes at HYFC for club time by
Teaching Piano
Reading to small children
Working on a craft
Playing chess
Do a science experiment
Other music lessons
Help raise funds by:
Bake sale
Car wash
Yard sale
Penny War
Valentine Sale
Cupcake War
Dodgeball Tournament
Dog/Pet Show
Kick Marathon
Pancake Breakfast
Rummage Sale
Gift Wrapping Service
Chili Cook Off
Dog Wash
Art Show
Talent Show
Pie Throwing Contest
Spaghetti Dinner
Celebrate your birthday on Facebook
Promote our Amazon Smiles link
Sell gala tickets
Organize a “dine out for CYMAP” night
Host a self-defense workshop for your team/school/work
Find auction item donors
Solicit Corporate Sponsorships
And if you’re stuck wondering what to do or have an extra hour
Call our Executive Director and see what we most need this week!
Giving and Getting
Studies show that charitable giving and service activates the same parts of your brain as eating chocolate or drinking a glass of wine. It feels good to give. We think you’ll be surprised by all you get in return. We learn from our students and families. We become more aware and understanding. Our own martial arts practice becomes stronger.
Thank you!
Our program is made possible through your support, generosity and love of martial arts. We are proud of the growth we see in our students and the difference we are making in the community!
